Fuel Prices

4/30/2020 Notice of Motion


Procedural guide for

Notice of Motion: Other Motions

To be given by

Hon G G Brock

When called by Speaker to give Notices of Motion stand and read the following:

I give notice that on the Wednesday, May 13, 2020 I will move –

This House:

(a) notes there has been a significant disparity between retail fuel prices in regional South
Australia compared to metropolitan Adelaide for a sustained period of time;

(b) notes that the price gap between regional and metropolitan prices has recently reached up
to 50 cents per litre;

(c) calls on the Minister for Regional Development to initiate an immediate inquiry into high
regional fuel prices, including investigating the introduction of a price equalisation scheme;

(d) calls on the Attorney-General to release the South Australian Productivity Commission
report into true real-time fuel price monitoring as a priority;

(e) calls on the government to take carriage of the Fuel Watch Bill already on the notice paper
as government business to swiftly implement transparency in fuel pricing.

(Signature of Mover) __________________________________________
(Signature of Seconder) __________________________________________