Heritage Agreement Grant

Grants Agriculture Environment

Heritage Agreement Grant

Heritage Agreements are helping to maintain important ecosystems in South Australia.

Since the Native Vegetation Heritage Agreement program was first introduced in 1980, more than 2800 landholders have agreed to ensure the long-term protection of over 1 million hectares of the state’s native vegetation.

The SA Government has committed $3 million in funding over the next two years (from August 2020) to revitalise the current SA Heritage Agreement program for voluntary conservation on private land.

This two-year round of funding is here to help landholders and support farmers to improve their bushland and protect native vegetation and the species that depend on it, into the future.

Small grants are on offer – up to $10,000 per applicant.

The purpose of small grants is to achieve property-scale conservation outcomes that are quick and easy to execute.

Small grants may cover submissions that include:

  • Management and/or action planning implementation.
  • Effective control of weeds, feral animals or over abundant native species.
  • Management of grazing impacts.
  • Repairing damaged areas i.e. sites previously used for dumping, sites being trespassed.
  • Internal property fencing to exclude stock from or reduce grazing pressure on proposed or current Heritage Agreement area.

The next small grants round will be open from 28 June 2021 to 23 August 2021. Visit the Nature Foundation website for more information.