The SA Healthy Towns Challenge is a grants program for regional and rural towns to develop preventive health programs within their community, which will have measurable benefits (over 12 months) to the community’s health and wellbeing. Successful projects aim to increase access or opportunity for the community to make healthier choices or participate in activities with a prevention focus.
Regional and rural communities are encouraged to apply for grants of up to $50,000 to help improve the health and wellbeing of towns. Minister for Health and Wellbeing Stephen Wade said through the SA Healthy Towns Challenge, the Marshall Liberal Government has committed $1 million to support regional communities with local initiatives.
As part of the fourth and final round of the program, successful applicants will receive up to $50,000 in June 2021 to develop programs to improve the health and wellbeing of their communities, which will have measurable benefits over 12 months
Applications close on Friday 26 March 2021
Visit the SA Healthy Towns Challenge Website for more information and to apply.