The Australian Government’s $400 million regional Precincts and Partnerships Program (rPPP) is now open for applications.
The rPPP seeks to support transformative investment in regional, rural and remote Australia based on the principles of unifying regional places, growing economies and serving communities. The rPPP focuses on a partnership approach, bringing together governments and communities to deliver regional precincts that are tailored to local needs and have a shared vision for how that precinct connects to the region.
The rPPP is an always open funding opportunity supporting both precinct development proposals and the delivery of construction-ready precinct projects.
The proposed project must be in a regional, rural or remote location, delineated as entirely outside the Australian Bureau of Statistics’ Greater Capital City Statistical Areas (GCCSA). Use the mapping tool below to determine eligibility of your project location.
For further information visit: Regional Precincts and Partnerships Program | Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts