Augusta Zadow Awards

Grants Award Business General

Augusta Zadow Awards

Augusta Zadow Awards logo

Grants of up to $25,000 for work health and safety initiatives benefitting women and young workers in South Australia.

SafeWork SA is inviting applications for the 2024 Augusta Zadow Awards. Health and safety initiatives supporting young workers and women in the workplace can apply for up to $25,000 in grant funding through SafeWork SA’s 2024 Augusta Zadow Awards.

Now in its 20th year, the awards recognise the work of South Australia’s first female inspector of factories, Augusta Zadow, who fought for the work health and safety rights of women and young workers.

In recognition of her pioneering efforts, SafeWork SA established the Augusta Zadow Awards to support initiatives, research or further education that improves health and safety for women and young workers in South Australia.

Since the Augusta Zadow Awards grants program launched in 2005, SafeWork SA has awarded over 35 grants to fund safety initiatives benefiting businesses, workers and the community valued at more than $350,000.

Key dates

27  May 2024  Applications open
31 July 2024  Applications close
September 2024  Judging panel meet with shortlisted applicants
October 2024  2024 Augusta Zadow Awards ceremony

Submitting applications

Before you submit your applications, make sure you’ve addressed the selection criteria in the proposal template and you meet the eligibility requirements.

Award applications can be submitted by:

Email: [email protected]


SafeWork SA
Augusta Zadow Awards
GPO Box 465


MORE INFORMATION FOUND HERE: Augusta Zadow Awards | SafeWork SA