Grants General


South Australian ex-service organisations and community groups supporting the veteran community can now apply for the second round of the 2022-2023 Anzac Day Commemoration Fund.

The grants are available to organisations and community groups to deliver events and programs that educate the South Australian community about the significance of Australia’s entire military history, support commemorative activities for all conflicts and assist those who have served our country.

Eligibility criteria

Organisations are eligible to apply if they are:

  • an incorporated organisation established for the purpose of helping or supporting, or have a membership consisting of or including, veterans or dependants of veterans. This includes ex-service organisations.
  • a local government authority, a school, or an incorporated not for profit organisation, provided that the applicant’s project has the purpose of educating the community about the significance of Australia’s military history or conducting commemoration services for any conflict.

Applications are now open and close at 5:00pm ACDT on Monday 13 March 2023.

For further information or to apply CLICK HERE