AIS Sporting Schools

Grants Community Education General

AIS Sporting Schools

Sporting Schools offers grant opportunities for primary schools, and targeted grant opportunities for secondary schools in relation to Years 7 and 8 students. Grants support the delivery of sport-based programs to help students build the confidence and capability to be active for life.

The objectives of Sporting Schools are to:
– Engage primary school students in free, high-quality sport programs at school
– Engage secondary school students (Years 7-8) in free, high-quality sport programs at school, particularly inactive students, girls, and students attending schools in disadvantaged areas
– Establish partnerships between sporting organisations and schools to promote involvement in sport outside of school
– Develop the capability of schools and teachers to provide students with positive sport experiences
– Build the capability of coaches and the sport workforce
– Support life-long involvement in sport and physical activity to enhance health and wellbeing

For further information visit: Funding | Australian Sports Commission (

Grant applications need to be submitted via the new school portal.
Term 3, 2024 – 8am AEST Monday, 20 May 2024 – 5pm AEST Friday, 31 May 2024
Term 4, 2024 – 8am AEST Monday, 12 August 2024 – 5pm AEST Friday, 23 August 2024