When: 12 March 2020, 7:30pm
Where: Southern Flinders Sporting Complex, Gladstone SA
We are privileged to bring Professor Neil Piller, from Flinders University, who is an internationally acclaimed researcher, to the region. He will be talking about the relationship between obesity, diet, exercise, mental health, gut function, brain function, cancer, and the impact of trauma.
His presentation will empower you to change your life, ad help you to prevent and manage chronic illness including many auto immune disorders such as diabetes, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis and many more.
Professor Neil Piller: Works at the Flinders University Medical Centre in South Australia and specialises in clinical and experimental research on primary and secondary lymphoedemas and oedemas, their assesment, treatment and management. He belongs to the Australasian Lymphology Association and the Lymphoedema Association of Australia and is the Patron of the Lymphoedema Support Group of South Australia.
Free entry (Voluntary gold coin donation)
Sponsored by The Lions Club of Rocky River