Port Augusta CBD Safety Audit – Resident and Business Survey


Port Augusta CBD Safety Audit – Resident and Business Survey

Following the Premier’s announcement in December 2024, Port Augusta’s CBD is undergoing a comprehensive Safety Audit, and we want to hear from the local community. Port Augusta City Council is seeking feedback regarding CBD safety. Local input is vital to shape a safer and more welcoming CBD.

The safety audit is a collaborative effort led by Council, SA Police, and the Department of Human Services. The process involves several stages, including preparation, on-site inspections, reporting findings, and implementing improvements to create a more secure and vibrant CBD.

The safety audit process includes several stages. It begins with preparation, where the audit scope is defined, and data is gathered from both SAPOL and the community. This is followed by on-site inspections and observations within the CBD. Once the observations are complete, findings will be documented, and recommendations for safety improvements will be made. The final stage involves implementing the proposed actions and monitoring progress to ensure long-term impact.

The first stage focuses on gathering community feedback from residents, ratepayers or business owners, the survey will be open until 7 February 2025 and it’s a crucial opportunity to share your experiences and ideas. Your input will directly inform the CBD master plan, guide future projects, address safety concerns in public spaces like streets and parks, and strengthen partnerships between businesses, government agencies, and residents.

Your input is vital to guiding the CBD master plan and future projects, addressing safety concerns, and improving public spaces like streets, parks, and pathways. It will also foster collaboration between businesses, residents, government agencies, and council to create a safer, more welcoming CBD.
The audit focuses on public spaces within the CBD and excludes private buildings, shopfronts, and government offices. Residential areas may be included in future audits later in 2025, pending funding.

The Survey can be accessed via the Port Augusta City Council website, https://www.portaugusta.sa.gov.au/enquiries/your-say/current-consultation/cbd-safety-audit and it will also be shared on social media. There will also be hard copies of the survey available from the Civic Centre at 4 Mackay Street, Port Augusta.

Improving safety is a shared responsibility, and your involvement will assist in making a difference. Together, we can build a welcoming CBD where people feel secure and supported.

For more information or assistance, contact [email protected] or call (08) 8641 9100.

For further information please contact Council’s Media and Communications Officer on (08) 8641 9100
