Herd of Hope Charity

Community Health News

Herd of Hope Charity

Herd of Hope
The Herd of Hope Charity focuses on establishing initiatives that will support recipients and donor families in regional and rural Australia
1 in 3 transplant recipients and nearly 1 in 4 donor families are regionally based. We want to champion support services no matter where you live.
We encourage all Australians to register and become an organ donor and hope that through our organisation you can see the difference you can make to others lives.

Megan OLoughlin
The idea started here! Megan received a double transplant (kidney/pancreas) in 2010. A month later she met her husband Mark and they have two kiddies Sam and Ella. Why cattle? It’s what she knows her family does best. Having grown up with type one diabetes in rural SA Megan can vouch for the importance of health services in country areas let alone the absolute gratitude to get an organ transplant. Wanting to show the positive effect organ and tissue donation has had in Australia, what better way than rounding everyone up on one of our nations most iconic landmarks.

We encourage all Australians to register to become an organ donor by learning more about the process.
To bring Hope – that services are available wherever you live.
For more information visit: https://www.herdofhope.com.au/our-team